Saturday, 24 October 2015

Do you know that you are always being wiretapped?

You Live in a Wiretapping Zone :

                   You own a network you are easily being wiretapped.

 Wiretappings have become necessities for all the governments as we live with a group of peoples who may be a perpetrator, a terrorist. So here who suffers a lot? We normal peoples do don't we? Can we stop these? Answers are here before that. Yeah normally we peoples own a network to say with our mobile. We speak to many colleagues, boss, friends, parents, spouse, etc. And normally we peoples have more personal stuffs to speak with our parents, spouse and friends. And some official stuffs to boss, colleagues these stuffs also have to remain private. So where is privacy here? When you are being wire tapped by someone at some corner listening to your speech either its official or personal which he never cares about.  The wiretapper he basically works for the government, he works for himself actually to say. Since it is all government we can't question them because what democracy says "Government is of the people, for the people, by the people" its true actually. 

                              So the answer to overcome this wiretapping is basically you have a familiar social network app which is so called "WhatsApp". Most of us think that whatsapp is highly insecure but it is actually owned "Facebook" right now so they have made it secure since they own it. And the other apps which belongs to iOS users namely "facetime and iMessage". These two are highly secured as their messengers encodes the messages. they themselves doesn't know how to decode it since the messages remains safer. 

                              I conclude this post by giving you a tip to be safe with your personal stuffs. Maintain privacy by using WhatsApp, Facetime, and iMessage.

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